Tax returns for Personal Trainers & Fitness Instructors

We have over 20 years of experience helping our customers – including Personal Trainers, Yoga Teachers, Online Fitness instructors, Swimming Coaches (and many others!) – to complete their income tax returns.

Every year, self-employed Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors across Ireland trust TRP to manage their tax returns and minimise their tax bills.

Whether you're part-time, full time, online, or in person, we’ve got you covered.

A Guide to Income Tax Returns for Personal Trainers & Fitness Instructors

If you’re a Fitness Trainer or Wellness Instructor living and working in Ireland, you are required to file an income tax return each year. Regardless of how often you’re working – full-time or part-time – or whether you’re doing online or in-person instruction, you must declare your income to the Revenue Commissioners. At Tax Return Plus we assist Fitness and Wellness Instructors across a wide range of professions in filing their annual tax returns, including:

  • Personal Trainers
  • Yoga Teachers
  • Pilates Instructors
  • Wellness Coaches
  • Swimming Coaches
  • Nutritional Advisors
  • Tennis Instructors
  • Dance Teachers

What do I declare and how much will I pay?

The income that you will declare to the Revenue Commissioners and the amount of tax you will pay is dependent upon a number of factors, including the amount of income you earn as a Fitness Instructor, the type of income (PAYE or non-PAYE), whether you have other income, and your personal circumstances.

In general, fitness and wellness instructors that earn less than €5,000 of non-PAYE income annually may not be liable to pay tax on this income, but they are still required to declare this income to the Revenue Commissioners. However, remember that an unpaid or underpaid tax bill can incur serious and expensive fees, so it’s important to be sure you meet all the criteria.

Can I deduct any expenses?

There’s a wide range of expenses, also known as “Allowable Deductions”, that you can claim against your taxes in order to minimise your tax bill. However, it’s up to you to figure out which deductions you are eligible for, how to claim these and how much it will save you.

That’s where our team comes in. Our accountants can uncover each of your allowable deductions, advise what you can claim for, and file your tax return for a low fee starting at just €299 (incl. VAT). While the type and amount of deductions you can claim will vary based on your circumstances, here are a few common expenses that Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors are able to deduct:

  • Location Costs

    Many self-employed fitness instructors are required to rent out a space to complete their work – luckily, this is an allowable expense. Included in this are utility bills such as heating, lighting, telephone and internet expenses.

  • Insurance Costs

    If you have paid insurance premiums against fire and public liability, these are costs that are eligible for tax relief. In addition, the insurance premium on your business premises and contents is also deductible.

  • Phone Bills

    Using your personal phone is necessary when working a side job, particularly if you’re doing online classes or posting photos, videos, etc. The percentage that your mobile phone is used to complete your job is tax deductible – and, you don’t even have to do the math! As part of our service, we help identify that percentage.

  • Accountancy Fees

    Fees you encounter for engaging the service of a professional accountant or tax advisor are deductible expenses. For example, if you engage Tax Return Plus to file your tax return, this is an allowable expense.

  • Materials

    If you’ve had to purchase any materials related to the work you are completing, this is tax deductible. This covers things like necessary equipment and specialised work clothes e.g. protective clothing.

  • Motor Expenses

    If you need to use your car or van for work, tax relief can be claimed on the running expenses. This includes costs like motor tax, insurance, servicing and repairs. However, motor expenses from traveling to and from your home to the office are not deductible – only expenses that relate to traveling between different jobs.

  • Prior Year Losses

    Losses incurred in previous years can be used to offset the current year profits.  However, the losses incurred must be declared to the Revenue Commissioners and ring-fenced.

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